Nowadays, many scientific areas share the same need of being able to deal with massive and distributed datasets and to perform complex knowledge extraction tasks. DAME (DAta Mining & Exploration) is a general purpose, web-based, distributed data mining infrastructure specialized in Massive Data Sets exploration with machine learning methods.

Initially fine tuned to deal with astronomical data only, DAME has evolved in a general purpose platform program, hosting a cloud of applications and services useful also in other domains of human endeavor.
DAME is an evolving platform and new services as well as additional features are continuously added. The modular architecture of DAME can also be exploited to build applications, finely tuned to specific needs.

The goal of DAME is to offer and develop open and broadly available software tools and services for scientific purposes. Groups or individuals interested in collaborating or participating in scientific and/or technological projects/activities are welcomed and encouraged to contact us. Please, consult policy and citation document.

This page is the entry point of three of the services available in the DAME infrastructure. For all the available services, please visit the Official DAME webpage


A web application for the research on sky transient objects based on interactive tools to generate and process astronomical simulated images.


A web application specialized for data and text mining on globular clusters.


Local site hosting an overview of data mining tools designed for the FP7 Programme.